Microwave Bread
1 ½ cups almond flour (Buy it locally for less at Trader Joe's or even cheaper online visit this link 5 pounds for $30.00
¼ teaspoon cream of tartar
¼ teaspoon baking soda
A pinch of salt
Mix dry ingredients
Add 2 eggs and 2 table spoons of melted butter (microwave the butter for like 30 seconds to melt it)
Mix all ingredients well and put into a small microwave container. Usually I use the same container that I melted the butter in so that the container is slightly coated with butter for easy removal of the bread.
Cover the top with plastic wrap or a lid and microwave the bread for 2 minutes (you want the top to become firm).
Flip the container onto a plate and let the bread cool for a minute – done!
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